A Taste of India

/A Taste of India

The Art of Handwriting – Dr. R. K. Joshi

Categories: A Taste of India|

Calligraphy means beautiful writing. The word calligraphy is combination of two words from the Greek language. “Kallos” means beauty and “Graphein” meaning to write. Thus the simple definition of calligraphy such as the “art of fine handwriting”. “Handwriting as an art” eflects the aesthetic concern and the be4utiful aspect of hand written expression. Written expression would [...]

The approach of yoga to human misery – Dr. M rs. Veena Londhe

Categories: A Taste of India|

Yoga could be explained as a way of life or rather the way in which the life could be lived. It is a process which emphasizes integration (from you to join, assemble, balance etc.) at every level of existence, every aspect of life be it social, personal, physical, emotional or intellectual. It increases the awareness of [...]