Whiled writing on Yoga and Music, Ayurveda and Music, Veda and Music some of the common issues have been already dealt with only the remaining ones, have been focused here.
Dharma-artha-kama-maksha set forth the ends of human life. They are said to be the four pillars of life with all its various activities. Any discipline has to anticipate them while formulating a system. All sciences, learnings and lores, are basically categorised under these in a general scheme of cultural praxis in India. Mantrashastra covers all these aspects of life. Every activity is accompanied by some rite, some mantra, in this or that form. Life has six phases in all – i) existence (asti), ii) birth (jayate), iii) grows (vardhate), iv) transforms or precipitates (viparinamate) v) decays (apakshiyate), vi) dies (mriyate). In man the very first stage “existence” is indicated by inception (conception) called garbhadhalla, which is accompanied by a mantra. Even the last stage, “death”, – end, on the thirteenth day of the death, is characterised by an appropriate mantra. These are coved under sanaskara, sixteen in number. Life in India thus begins, endures and ends with mantra. Mantra thus covers all the four ends of human life with its four corresponding ashrama format, Brahmacharya, (celibate), Grhastha (household), Vanaprastha (following the forest) and the sanyasa (renunciation)…

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