Calligraphy means beautiful writing. The word calligraphy is combination of two words from the Greek language. “Kallos” means beauty and “Graphein” meaning to write. Thus the simple definition of calligraphy such as the “art of fine handwriting”. “Handwriting as an art” eflects the aesthetic concern and the be4utiful aspect of hand written expression. Written expression would necessarily need a writing system. One of the writing systems, which we commonly use, is the concept of “language”. The writing system at the linguistic feel is concerned about “content” relation, a system (such as Hindi or Tibetan language) meant to communicate• massages wherein signs operate within a social context with phonetic and graphic values attached to each sign. Such linguistic approach is characterised especially by verbal systems (such as speech, poetry, literature etc.) along with phonetic values. These are further linked and associated with written systems (scripts)…

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