Chairpersons Note


25 years ago, the guru had a searing vision of education to guide lives towards conscious living,learning,creating/expressing,praying… to value all cultural forms that helped the process. He envisioned it as the Sapta Bharati or 7 gurukuls dedicated to the 7 Indian sciences & arts of Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotisha Shastra, classical Indian dance, classical Indian music, and the Vastu, Chitra shastras & Shilpa shastras. We actualized them as 3-4 day or even week long residential programmes in the ashram gurukul mode to give an integrated experience of spirituality(yoga), classical arts, ecology & holistic living. We took it to the grass root level too, through the Shanivaar Shaala or Saturday School initiative. 25 things that we learnt from the Guru and try to teach, at the ashram –

1)Education & self evolution never stops. We have to permanently enroll in the School Of Life.

2) The outer guru/ teacher, in an inexplicable way, awakens the inner guru & sense of Truth, no matter what the subject. That done, learning never stops! 25,000 genuflections to The Guru.

3) Work is not just about a profession, it is about every action one engages in. Encashment is not the most important factor; conscious doing is. Conscious doing is perfect doing. For the team, the ashram has offered an opportunity to engage in every kind of work, big & small, to test this value of unattached, impartial, Conscious Doing.

4) All outer forms are expressions of The Inner.An ashram is also a tool to reach the inner ashram- the haven of peace within.

5) All wealth belongs to Bhagavati, you are only an accountable custodian.

6) Religious forms are the language of spirituality; tools to communicate with the divine.Each one chooses a tool appropriate to her/ his temperament. All tools are valid.

7) A spiritual life, without a ‘practice’ is empty speculation & arm- chair philosophy.

8) Secularism is the practice of one’s own faith while respecting the practice of another’s.

9) Secularism, devoid of any self- evolving practice, can destroy the sense of Truth in Man.

10) Just Self- Enquiry is also a powerful practice, if done relentlessly.

11) Nature, with its inter-dependant systems, its rhythmic cycles, its harmonizing of opposites, is the best teacher, the best role model ; a model of freedom within discipline, freedom alongside dependance/ inter connectedness.

12) We already have, within us, the greatest tool for education – intelligent/sensitive observation.

13) We already have,within us, the greatest tool for prayer – silence & patience.

14) Although, in the present day, every form of expression, including the entertaining is seen under the umbrella of ‘art’; India has a unique approach to art as one that can give a taste of pure , selfless joy through forms that are highly sublime & stylized. It is possible to connect with God through ‘kalaa’. The ashram seeks to draw attention to the beauty, relevance & pricelessness of these arts – The Classical Indian arts.

15) We value discipline as it is tangible and strengthens the sense of doership & accomplishment. The guru emphasised that Love & Courage are more important. They are the silent ingredient in sadhana – spiritual practice.

16) Love & respect are to be given, not demanded.

17) Go deep within yourself & realise that every desire is a conditioning, a memory & the very seed of samsara. Burn that , and you are free.

18) We are One; inter dependent, inter connected. What better proof than the current Pandemic!

19) We are One; made up of the same pancha mahabhutas (5 elements), the same tri gunas ( 3 qualities), the same All Pervading Consciosness.

20) We are One; duality is pain, oneness is peace.

21) The ‘Now’ alone matters. What keeps you away from it – memory and time.

22) ‘Love’ alone matters – what keeps you away from it – a sense of seperate identity.

23)’Surrender’ alone matters – what prevents it – a sense of doership.

24) Life could be effortless if lived with love & surrender; but we love to slog!

25) We ‘know’ all these Truths, but forget! The guru would say,’ this forgetfulness is the ego. 25 years is the prime of youth. The ashram looks forward to many more creative years ahead to spread the message of peace, joy & right living.


Mandakini Trivedi – Chairperson