Guru Poornima & Tree Plantation

/Guru Poornima & Tree Plantation
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Essentially, there is no difference between the guru, the Ishta Devata & one’s own Self or The Truth. Thus Gurupoornima is not only a day to connect with one’s Guru and become aware of one’s spiritual journey, but essentially it is a day to meditate on this Guru Principle.
At Shaktiyogashrama it is done by worshipping the “Guru Devata”, “the Ishta Devata” i.e Goddess Lalita as well as the “Atma Devata”
Scheduled on a full moon day in Ashadha ( July-August), Guru Poornima celebrations are very important at the ashram On this day, the ashram comes alive with the chanting of the Guru Geeta, The Lalita Sahasranama & a Yajna performed to the Goddess.
Meditation is an important offering on this day.
